How to push our code in GitHub

Sowmiya P
2 min readMar 7, 2021

Step 1: Install git on your computer

Step 2: Open a new account in GitHub, if you are new

Step 3: Create a New Repository and make it public(others can view your code). Add a for description if you need it.

Step 4: Open the git bash(by right-clicking Git Bash here) on any directory where you wanna save your code.

Step 5:It’s the time for cloning your repo on your computer. By typing in the terminal

git clone (repo URL)

Now you can see the repo on the place you wanna store it.

Step6:Add your source files.

git add filename

Step 7: Check whether your files are modified or added

git status

Step 8: Commit refers to save changes.

git commit “you can type any message in this quotations”

Step 9: Time to push your code.

git push origin master

After all, reload your repo page. Now you can see your code

The terminologies crossed over GitHub,

Repository- A place where our code is stored

Clone- A copy of our or any repo

Staging- Adding files

Commit- Saving changes

Push- Pushing code to our repo

There are one or two ways to push our code on GitHub and this is the simple one. If you wanna learn more,

Git Cheatsheet -

